Readings for Physics 230C winter 2012 ================================================== ================================================== Note: The most recent reading appears first. Please always note the dates. ================================================== ================================================== Reading for meeting 19 Thursday, Mar. 13 Basic supersymmetry (as if there were such a thing) Gunion's notes have the most basic physical statement that each particle has a superpartner related to it by a supersymmetry transformation and that has the opposite statistics and is up or down a step of 1/2 in helicity. For the discussion of coupling unification, that is sufficient. If you want to go further in a finite amount of time, I suggest the following: Zee's chapter on supersymmetry. I've made copies of this and you can get one outside my office door. Martin, A Supersymmetry Primer To handle supersymmetry in field theory, a great deal of arcane and very formal formalism is used. Zee has a short intro. You need to be really good with Weyl spinors and dotted and undotted indices to follow this in detail. Section 1 of Martin is worth reading. After that he launches into the formalism too. Read more if you feel like it but we have no time left to go there. Of course, there are two whole courses on this. ================================================== Reading for meeting 18 Thursday, Mar. 8 Gunion IV: 265-279 Coupling unification ================================================== Reading for meeting 17 Tuesday, Mar. 6 Gunion IV: 242-265 This covers two topics: the additional work needed to incorporate the effects of scalars and Weyl fermions in beta functions and some introduction to SU(5) as a GUT gauge group. ================================================== Reading for meeting 16 Thursday, Mar. 1 Gunion IV: 224-227 (beta-function) Gunion IV: 227-241 (discussion of phenomenology) P&S: Sec.: 16.7 At long last, we have the famous calculation of asymptotic freedom in non-Abelian gauge theory. With all the ingredients already in place, it's not too hard to do the last step. This is a surprising result with major physical consequences. The success of the standard model hinges on this. It's key to most of what we understand. The phenomenology in the second part of the Gunion reading clearly makes this point. P&S and Banks 9.10 attempt a physical explanation of the counter-intitiive notion of "anti-screening." You may or may not think these are helpful. One thing to keep in mind is that things can look very different in different gauges. Some physical consequences are described. ================================================== Reading for meeting 15 Tuesday, Feb. 28 Gunion IV: 210-224 P&S: Sec.: 16.5 One loop renormalization in non-Abelian gauge theory. It is not necessary to study both. They cover similar material. I suggest starting with Gunion. Then if you get stuck on a point, you might try P&S to see if it helps. ================================================== Reading for meeting 14 Thursday, Feb. 24 Review Faddeev-Popov lagrangian and Feynman rules P&S: Subsec.: Relations among counterterms p. 531-533 Gunion IV: 205-210 The general topic is renormalization of nonabelian gauge theories. You may want to begin by refreshing your memory on the material from last quarter on the Fadeev-Popov, gauge-fixed lagrangian and the Feynman rules for a non-abelian gauge theory. All of our sources jump into calculations with little orientation. To get some idea on the bigger picture, you can look at the P&S subsection mentioned above. Then the Gunion reading heads into the calculations of the divergent one-loop diagrams. ================================================== Reading for meeting 13 Tuesday, Feb. 22 Gunion IV: 203-204 Gunion IV: 183-186 Banks: Secs. 9.8, 9.9, and 9.10 (if you have it) I recommend that you read these in the order above. The first reading in Gunion connects to our Ward identity discussion with a brief comment on how it helps with overlapping divergences in two loops. The second Gunion part is a calculation of the QED beta-function and the running of the QED coupling. If you have access to T. Banks, Modern Quantum Field Theory, you should look at Sections 9.8, 9.9, and 9.10. Section 9.8 is another discussion of renormalization of QED. The approach is a little different, but after all our QED work, it should be OK. Sec. 9.9 is Banks version of the RG equations for QED. Sec. 9.10 is an approach to understanding the physical origin of the formal result for the beta-function. This becomes most interesting when applied to QCD, where the outcome is different and less intuitive. The pages 187-202 in Gunion, which we are skipping for now, are the one-loop calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment. This an actual physical result from finite part of the one-loop vertex correction and is one of the all-time great calculations in QFT. I hope that we will return to it after renormalizing QCD. ================================================== Reading for meeting 12 Thursday, Feb. 16 Gunion IV: 153-182 (again) You will also want to review some material you probably discussed last quarter, pages 308-312 of P&S. ================================================== Reading for meeting 11 Tuesday, Feb. 14 Gunion IV: 153-182 QED 1-loop counterterms and renormalization. This is a lot of reading that doesn't break up very naturally. I think that the best strategy is to read through it all once to get the picture of where it is going and how the pieces relate without getting excessively slowed down by details that are not clear on first read. Then on Thursday, we can focus in on some of the details more carefully. The main goal is to get the 1-loop counter terms and do the 1-loop renormalization. However, a couple important side issues arise. One is he Ward identity. Also there is a little bit of complication resulting from the gauge fixing term. ================================================== Reading for meeting 10 Thursday, Feb. 9 Gunion IV: 143-152 First part of discussion of one loop QED. ================================================== Reading for meeting 9 Tuesday, Feb. 7 Gunion IV: 126-142 We now return to gauge theories to see how to do the renormalization there. This first section goes over power counting to find out what divergences we can expect. ================================================== Reading for meeting 8 Thursday, Feb. 2 P&S: 12.1, 12.5, 13.1, 13.2 For these readings, just try to get the basic ideas of this different approach to the renormalization group without getting too bogged down in calculation. It is less tied to the machinery of relativist QFT and more closely associated with Wilson, scaling laws, and critical phenomena. Also relevant are some of the earlier readings like P&S 12.5 and Ch. 8 ================================================== Reading for meeting 7 Tuesday, Jan. 31 Gunion IV: p. 104-116 P&S: 12.2, 12.3, 12.5 Continue on the renormalization group. ================================================== Reading for meeting 6 Thursday, Jan. 26 Gunion IV: p. 86-103 First discussion of the renormalization group. Note the use of beta for two different things. The beta(z) of Eq. 201 is _not_ the beta(lambda) of Eq. 195. The famous "beta function" is the beta of Eq. 195, and it is the one that is meant by the symbol beta in most of the places it appears. ================================================== Reading for meeting 5 Tuesday, Jan. 24 Gunion IV: p. 72-85 Here we get the calculation of the one loop self energy. With that and the one loop four point function, the one loop renormalization is done. There is more on phi^4 renormalization in P&S Secs. 10.2 and 10.5 and Banks Sec. 9.6. Also Ch. 10 of Sterman, An Intro to QFT, looks pretty good. ================================================== Reading for meeting 4 Thursday, Jan. 19 Gunion IV: end of p. 58 through p. 71 Recall that the first step of renormalization is regularization, i.e. somehow get finite expressions to manipulate. To do this, one needs to reduce the contribution of arbitrarily large momenta in loop integrals. The most intuitive methods introduce cut-offs in on way or another while staying in four dimensional spacetime. An alternative is to reduce the dimension of spacetime so that the integration measure puts less weight on large momenta. This is called dimensional regularization, and it is the topic of this reading. The reading is highly technical and might seem like overkill for the problem at hand. In some ways it is. However, when one moves on from one loop renormalization to the renormalization group and to gauge theories, dimensional regularization has advantages. ================================================== Reading for meeting 3 Tuesday, Jan. 17 Gunion IV: p. 39-58 This covers the basics of coupling constant renormalization. Then it has a lot under the heading BPH. Most of that is really about power counting and counter terms. It only mentions in passing the existence of the BPH method of proving renormalizability to all orders. We will not use this method. The proof from the Callan-Zymanzik equations avoids the complexity of dealing with overlapping divergences explicitly. ================================================== Reading for meeting 2 Thursday, Jan. 12 Gunion IV: p. 1-38 plus three lines on p 39 This begins the development of the traditional approach to renormalization in relativistic QFT. It goes into detail on wave function renormalization. ================================================== Reading for meeting 1 Tuesday, Jan. 10 P&S: Ch. 8 Gunion IV: p. 1-13 ("Gunion IV" refers to Professor Jack Gunion's notes on renormalization available here: To get a feeling for some of the issues we will be addressing this quarter, take a look at the readings above. No doubt, parts of them will seem mysterious (or worse). Not to worry. As the quarter goes on and we treat them in detail, it will make more sense. ==================================================