Writing courses in English For the full catalog descriptions, see: http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/UCDWebCatalog/programs/ENL/ENLcourses.html Courses proposed to move to UWP: ENL 1 Expository Writing ENL 18 Style in the Essay ENL 19 Writing Research Papers ENL 101 Advanced Composition ENL 102A-E Writing in the Disciplines: Biological Sciences, Engineering, etc. ENL 104A-F Writing in the Professions: Law, Science, etc. ENL 390 Theory and Practice of University-Level Composition Instruction ENL 392 Teaching Expository Writing Courses proposed to remain in English: ENL 3 Introduction to Literature ENL 4 Critical Inquiry and Literature: Freshman Seminar ENL 5 Introduction to Creative Writing ENL 391 Teaching Creative Writing ENL 393 Teaching Literature and Composition ENL 396 Teaching Assistant Training Practicum