
Here are some things I wrote a few years ago on fluids using vector calculus. After you have gone through the discussion in our text, you might want to try out your vector calculus on these. They are not required for our course. However, you will have an easier time of it next quarter in 9C studying electricity and magnetism if you hve already looked at the use of vector calculus as it is applied to fluids which are more concrete and easier to visualize. The one on the adiabatic atmosphere is similar to what we did in class.

These documents were translated from postscript to pdf. If they do not look good on the screen, you can try higher magnification or print them.
  1. Vector calculus
  2. Force due to pressure
  3. Adiabatic atmosphere
  4. Fluid kinematics
  5. Flow, etc.
  6. Viscous force